Форум » 93-я гвардейская мотострелковая Харьковская дивизия в/ч 45261 г. Кечкемет » 5 мотострелковый полк Кишкунмайша » Ответить

5 мотострелковый полк Кишкунмайша

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ПТБ: Тыльная сторона третьего подъезда.

Sergeant from Abroad: I can read what you gays, have wrote but cannot write in Russian in reply, sorry. I served in Kiskunmajsa from 1984 till 1986. Number of the base mentioned above is correct: вч пп 61492, I remembered it. Thank you for recalling the nick-name of the base: китайский полк, it was really so. The life in the base was as in any other Soviet Army base, I guess. For somebody it was awful for somebody normal and for somebody might have been even great. I specifically liked the ground on what the nick-name was given (as quoted by CCCP), it was really true: the main ethnicity was Asian-kind-of. Mainly form Kazakhstan (those were nice guys) or from Uzbekistan and those guys were mainly assholes! I know that it is not fair to make any conclusions upon a relatively small group of national representatives but this is actually an impression what left. Anyway, this is really a very nice flashback to the bygone years! There hasn't been much of chance to yarn about these memories as I was there basically alone from my country...there were other Estonian in Hungary but not much on Kiskunmajsa...­

Sergeant from Abroad: I can read what you gays, have wrote but cannot write in Russian in reply, sorry. I served in Kiskunmajsa from 1984 till 1986. Number of the base mentioned above is correct: вч пп 61492, I remembered it. Thank you for recalling the nick-name of the base: китайский полк, it was really so. The life in the base was as in any other Soviet Army base, I guess. For somebody it was awful for somebody normal and for somebody might have been even great. I specifically liked the ground on what the nick-name was given (as quoted by CCCP), it was really true: the main ethnicity was Asian-kind-of. Mainly form Kazakhstan (those were nice guys) or from Uzbekistan and those guys were mainly mean, don't know why? Must have been something that happened in their homes... I know that it is not fair to make any conclusions upon a relatively small group of national representatives but this is actually an impression what left. Anyway, this is really a very nice flashback to the bygone years! There hasn't been much of chance to yarn about these memories as I was there basically alone from my country...there were other Estonian in Hungary but not much on Kiskunmajsa... But ПТБ, your pictures are absolutely fabulous!! exactly the sites and places only 25 years later! You must have paid a quite recent visit to Majsa? Is there a free entrance to the ruins? I have a small plan to pay visit summer next year.

Sergeant from Abroad: Hi, May I plant some of your pictures into Google Earth at the Kiskunmajsa-base location?

Sergeant from Abroad: Absolutely right! Totally agree with you! There no need to remember how bad something was but just pick up the pieces that you value.

темур: чеза америкосы тут повылазили?

30234: Забыл русский но про службу в Майше помнит))))))

Sergeant from Abroad: No, I haven't forgotten Russian, I just cannot type it on my laptop. Of course, I don't remember it as well as in 80s but I can still understand most spoken and to talk back if needed. And more, how it is possible to forget two years of your life? those years were more or less quite extraordinary comparing to the followed and the current one. It is warming to see, how you keep up the memories of days like these.

30234: Sergeant from Abroad Здравствуй! Пиши как считаешь нужным .. просто не все английский здесь пользуют .. и интересно было бы прочитать твои воспоминания а может быть ты и фото выложил ! Пиши))))

Sergeant from Abroad: Hi! I must say, I might have some pictures but very few... didn't have chance to take some at the time. I'm not sure whether I can find them and how to upload the pictures here? I served my time first in "ZRABatr" as a operator of RLS. The commander of battery was Lt. Rebrov (or actually a chief warrant officer in English). I was also a medical staff for time being as I was a student of medical faculty when I joined the forces. Later a segeant in infantry but I'm not sure in what company, 2nd perhaps. The commander was Lt. Filatov. Very strong guy but somehow I had very good relationships with him. Whatever, "kitaiskij" or not but as mentioned above I still remember it and as bad time of my life but very strange and interesting :)

Sergeant from Abroad: I noticed a mistake in submitted text of mine above: "...I still remember it and as bad time of my life", this was not what I mentioned. I wanted to say completely opposite: not as bad time of my life, maybe not the most efficient... I wonder reading from your memories how often you had time to get out of the base?! We didn't had such chance at all. Only during the maneuvers, if even then. And I still remember the "gvardij rjodovoij Burmistrov, pal smertji..." ;-) I guess it was "rota zvjazi" who had to shout it every evening and I guess they had even a bed in their company what they had to make every morning. The beginning years were difficult for as couldn't speak enough Russian and it was difficult to understand all that RLS staff on the ZCU 24-4 ("shilka2 as mentioned above). I remember when when I was a "salobon" in ZRABatr" there was a Ded from Kabardino-Balkaria, very Ded in the word and he was a big fan of classical rock music like Led Zeppelin etc. So, could play a guitar and they got one from somewhere and I had play the Stairs in Heaven, I don't know maybe hundreds of time!

ser-vasenov: But you [otkuda]. itself as there did fall?

Sergeant from Abroad: I'm Estonian, from Tallinn.

темур: Старшина мой был из таллина Аленис Виллис Казимирович старшина 1 мср.

Sergeant from Abroad: Name refers more to Lithuania or Latvia but is doesn't matter, of course he might have been from Tallinn...

темур: ни хрена не понял

ser-vasenov: In our time Of [zrobatr] and 3 art. battery lived on 4 [etazhe].[Kapterki] were [ryadom].[A] you in what years it served?.

Служивый: Аленис был из Вильнюса.

Служивый: You are right, Alenis comes from Lithuania, Vilnus.

темур: точно из вильниса

Sergeant from Abroad: ser-vasenov I served in 1984-85. Later I was transferred to the medical section.

ПТБ: Противно читать на " немецком " языке,как будто русский забыл,или на латинице писать не умеет человек,если русской раскладки нет.Я лично в дискуссию с такими вступать не буду.

таксист: ПТБ

ПТБ: Как было классно быть по эту сторону забора,вроде не в клетке,когда уходил на дембель,то с этой позиции на свою часть смотрел и грустил.

ПТБ: Всех с наступившим Новым годом.

ПТБ: Ну это несерьёзно,месяц прошёл и никто не объявился.


витя: ракетный дивизион

Sergeant from Abroad: где вы все?

накомарник: Привет всем! Спасибо за фото.Служил в роте связи с 20.10.81. по 20.10.83.

ПТБ: накомарник пишет: Служил в роте связи с 20.10.81. по 20.10.83. Так точно.Я с 25.04.86 по 05.06.88

накомарник: Ничего серьёзного у ракетчиков небыло и не прятались они.Был у них радист Саша Гунько (1980-1982.Полтавская обл.) ,так он дежурил с нами на узле связи. Да и связь у них шла через наш коммутатор.Раз в 2 года они ездили в СССР (помоему в Капустин Яр) на стрельбы. Кстати в сопровождении КШМ Р-142 с роты связи и 1-2 БМП. У связистов тогда еше был "залет". А ракеты у них были тактические типа "Скад" с радиусом действия 300 км. В полку была жесткая дисциплина, поэтому сюда и переводили "штрафников". Помню у разведчиков дослуживали даже 2 десантника. Часто на базе полка командование дивизии или ЮГВ устраивало "показуху". Летом 83г. штаб ЮГВ почти для всех офицеров групы устроил "показуху" "Выезд полка в запасной район(Боча) по тревоге".Представляете как к этому все готовились. Но зато все прошло на отлично. А танковая колона(их действительно 40-50 шт. было) проходила "с этой стороны забора" что на последнем фото Владимира.

ПТБ: Безобразие.никто не убирает.Где дневальные?

Алексей ИВ: -джюньджюририть - а вот и некому !!! - братан !

накомарник: С ДНЕМ АРМИИ ВСЕХ!

ПТБ: Мне больше нравится С ДНЁМ СОВЕТСКОЙ АРМИИ.Как никак мы в ней служили.У нас сейчас называется-День защитника Отечества.

накомарник: У нас тоже - День защитника Отечества, хоть, я думаю, эта дата к нашему Отечеству никакого отношения не имеет. Это скорее праздник или, если хотите, память тех кто служил в СОВЕТСКОЙ АРМИИ. Тогда это была НАША РАБОТА и делали мы её ХОРОШО. ПТБ, а фото узла связи у тебя нет? Хотелось бы посмотреть. Кстати, в мастерской по ремонту радиоаппаратуры нёс службу и бдил твой земляк из Гомеля Мельник Владимир Владимирович. Очень хороший специалист и друг.

ПТБ: Что то есть,найду-выложу.

ПТБ: Вот первая фотка.

ПТБ: Здесь я не силён.Где это место разберутся те, кто здесь служил.

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